About the Research
Ready for 100? It is part of the Ready for 100 research programme that examines the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for Singapore’s residents, employers, healthcare practitioners and policymakers as people live longer.
Singapore, a city state with 5.6m people, has one of the fastest ageing populations in the world. The number of those aged over 65 is expected to reach 900,000 by 2030, and a rising number are living to 100. This is a trend that media outlets label the “silver tsunami” and one that is both a challenge and an opportunity for Singaporeans. For this rising longevity to be a positive experience, people in Singapore need to build strength in four key areas of life that are known to contribute to the length and quality of one’s years. These are supportive relationships, health and wellness, financial stability, and work.
This study has been designed to help Singapore’s residents examine their lives in these areas and identify opportunities to better prepare for longevity.
Singapore’s workforce is visibly greying, which poses a challenge to employers and employees alike. What do residents think of how companies, and the government, can help prepare for this ‘silver tsunami’?