Life Protection | Maternity Insurance


A single premium 4-year maternity insurance term protection plan with comprehensive coverage for both you and your little one, PRUMum covers mums-to-be from as early as the 13th week of pregnancy.

What is PRUMum?

  • A single premium 4-year maternity term protection plan with comprehensive coverage for both you and your little one. Covers assisted pregnancies such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)1.
  • With 4 sum assured coverage options, PRUMum aims to provide the protection you and your baby need.
  • Coverage includes protection for up to 17 pregnancy complications, 25 congenital illnesses, mental wellness care, gestational diabetes mellitus and hospital care benefits.
  • With Health Cover for Child, you can protect your baby’s healthcare needs hassle-free without medical underwriting2.

Important Information



Coverage for assisted pregnancies conceived through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and Intracervical Insemination (ICI) will go through normal underwriting.


The Health Cover for Child does not cover congenital illnesses or pre-existing conditions, which refers to any health issue the baby had before getting the eligible PRUShield plan. This includes symptoms or signs that the baby received medical treatment, medication, consultation, advice, or diagnosis for, or that would have made a sensible person seek medical help. For instance, if a baby was born with a cleft lip, any related expenses will not be covered, but other conditions which are not pre-existing will be considered. All other terms and conditions as stated in the eligible PRUShield policy document will apply. It’s important to note that the cover can only be applied within 14 to 90 days after the baby’s birth, and if the baby is not hospitalised during the application. Please refer to the PRUMum Product Summary for the full terms and conditions.


Refer to Product Summary for the Pregnancy Complications covered.


Up to S$200 in total.


Up to 5% sum assured.


Refer to Product Summary for the covered conditions related to gestational diabetes mellitus.


The total payout from Hospital Care and Hospital Care Accelerator Benefit is 100% of the original sum assured. The payout is subject to hospitalisation for a consecutive period of 30 days, or to Intensive Care Unit admission for 1 day or more.


Applicable to Multiple birth pregnancy with 100% sum assured per life. Refer to Product Summary for the covered congenital illnesses.


Applicable to Multiple birth pregnancy, up to 50% sum assured per life. Refer to Product Summary for the list of conditions covered under Hospital Care Benefit for Baby.


Hospital Care Accelerator Benefit provides financial support for your child's Intensive Care Unit hospitalisation of three or more continuous days. Total payout from Hospital Care and Hospital Care Accelerator Benefit for Child is 50% of the original sum assured.

Additional Notes

You are recommended to read the product summary and seek advice from a qualified Prudential Financial Consultant for a financial analysis before purchasing a policy suitable to meet your needs. As this product has no savings or investment feature, there is no cash value if the policy ends or if the policy is terminated prematurely.

Buying health insurance products that are not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future healthcare needs. Premiums for the supplementary benefits are not guaranteed and may be adjusted based on future claims experience.

The information on this website is for reference only and is not a contract of insurance. Please refer to the exact terms and conditions, specific details and exclusions applicable to these insurance products in the policy documents that can be obtained from your Prudential Financial Consultant.

The information contained on this website is intended to be valid in Singapore only and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or provision of any insurance product outside Singapore.

In case of discrepancy between the English and Mandarin versions of the product brochures, the English version shall prevail.

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact your insurer or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or

Information is correct as of 11 July 2023.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

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